The Gospel
What Is The Gospel?
The Gospel is a story and message of how humans were given the ability to receive salvation and have a relationship with their creator through Jesus Christ! The Gospel starts with the fact that, as most people know, the world is cruel. All have done bad in some way or another, and this "bad" in the Bible is referred to as sin. God is holy and perfect, so whenever we sin, we fall from his glory and perfection. Considering God is perfect, and God is in Heaven, the requirement to enter Heaven is perfection. Obviously, no human is perfect, and God knows that. So, God came down in the form of a human man, named Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a completely perfect life, never sinning and constantly teaching those around him the correct way to live. He taught on topics such as lying, stealing, love, and so on. Eventually, the authorities and religious leaders where Jesus lived started to see him as a threat, and so, they decided that they were going to, unfortunately, kill Jesus. Three days later, Jesus rose from his grave, rising from death, proving himself to be the almighty and divine. They whipped him, put him through unimaginable pain, and eventually hung him on a cross. Hence where the Christian symbol "The Cross" comes from. But Jesus's death wasn't just that simple. You see, before Jesus, God gave people an opportunity to be forgiven of their sins by sacrificing their animals, usually a lamb. But eventually, the world was so bad, that the animal sacrifices were not enough for humans to be forgiven. So, in place of animals, God came down as a human, in the form of Jesus Christ, and was killed AS A SACRIFICE in place of ALL humans sin. All the torture, pain, and humiliation he went through was for a purpose, because remember, he's literally the God of the universe. Why would he let his own creation beat and torture him for no reason, when he could put a stop to it in the blink of an eye. Jesus's sacrifice allowed for all humans to be forgiven of their sin if they accepted him as Lord and had faith in him.
Why Does The Gospel Matter?
The Gospel matters for all those who have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Without The sacrifice Jesus made, we wouldn't have been forgiven of our sins. But, The Gospel isn't just about sin, it's also about love. Another reason the Gospel matters is because Jesus doesn't only offer forgiveness of sins, but a loving relationship with him. This loving relationship offers divine peace, guidance, and assurance. It is why people don't just follow Jesus for their forgiveness of sin, but also because they genuinely have a burning love for their creator. He offers a spiritual, loving relationship with his creation. When you take a step back, and realize that you, a human, are being offered a relationship with the creator of the universe, it seems like a deal you can't pass up!
Why Is The Gospel Significant To Me?
The Gospel is significant to you because when Jesus died on the cross, he died for everyone, including you! You may ask, how is that possible? Well, in the last row, we mentioned how The Gospel is for sinners, but what exactly is sin? Sin is the simple action of doing something that God doesn't want you to do. Some common examples of this are lying, stealing, and so on. When we sin, we become imperfect, and so, fall short of the glory of our perfect God. With this sin, we need some way to be forgiven, so we can be washed of our sin. That's where the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross comes in. The sacrifice Jesus made on the cross allowed for all who believe in him to be forgiven of their sin. Another reason the Gospel is significant to you is because, like we mentioned in the last row, Jesus offers a relationship with all who believe in him. He loves you so dearly, and wants to guide you through life. He offers a life full of peace, reassurance, guidance, and love.
Now That I Know The Gospel, What Should I Do?
Now that you know the Gospel, why it matters, and why it's significant you, what are your next steps?
!. Acknowledge that you are a sinner
2.Ask for forgiveness of your sin.
3. Ask for Jesus to come into your heart, and believe that he died on the cross for your sins and is God.
4. Purchase a Bible and start in the book of John. The book of John is a detailed eye-witness account of the life of Jesus Christ. The book mentions what Jesus taught, his Crucifixion, and his Resurrection. Everything you need to know about what to do, can be found in this book, and the rest of The Bible.
We'll be praying for you! If you have questions, prayer requests, or would like to know more about our faith in Christ, contact us in through the navigation menu!